Is there a link between Depression and Porn Addiction?
Depression and addiction go hand in hand. This is especially true of addiction to internet pornography. Symptoms of depression is commonly seen in porn addicts. One of the core beliefs of a porn addict is: “I am an unworthy person” (Carnes, Demonico & Griffin, 2001). This mirrors what a depressed person feels about himself/herself. Other feelings common to both addiction and depression are isolation, irritability, hopelessness, suicidal ideation, etc. When a person is struggling with addiction along with depression, it is a double whammy or as professionals would call it — “dual diagnosis.” The term is a reminder for health care professionals involved, that this patient has extra challenges on the road to recovery. However, in my experience every addict I have seen has at least a few symptoms of depression.
- What comes first, Depression or Porn Addiction?
What comes first – the chicken or the egg? This is similar to the question, what comes first depression or addiction. The answer is not really important. Depression and porn addiction become interdependent – each feeding the other. The addictive substance or behavior (internet pornography, sex addiction) works as a numbing or self-medicating tool and yet the addictive lifestyle lends itself to symptoms of depression.
- How does Sex Addiction harm my Relationships?
A person who is addicted to pornography typically isolates himself from family and friends. All of his/her spare time is spent on the internet with sexual fantasy and obsession. Relationships begin to suffer. Friendships fall by the wayside. The internet and relationships established in the sex chat rooms become a perfect substitute for real relationships. Cyber relationships typically have much lower expectations. Porn addiction or more generally, sex addiction leaves no time for any other activity. As a natural consequence, the addict begins to feel less about himself/herself. Hours are spent in a state of daze of sexual fantasy, sexual obsession often accompanied by compulsive masturbation — health, work, finances and relationships all begin to suffer. Add to this the addict’s own questions about morality and spiritual connection. Depression is almost inevitable and sooner or later, it usually sets in.
- What are my treatment options?
Treatment needs to be geared towards recovery from addiction as well as alleviating symptoms of Depression. Anti-depressant medications may be an effective tool as well. Usually it’s necessary to help the person abstain from the addictive behaviors before depression can be addressed. However, help for sex addiction or online addiction is available. Treatment of porn addiction can only be effective if the issue of depression is addressed adequately. However, the combination of addiction and depression can make treatment more difficult as well as lengthy. When a person feels sad, hopeless, or exhausted, battling an addiction is a special challenge. But, being aware of the link between addiction and depression, and that dual diagnosis is a possibility is helpful. It is important to seek treatment that addresses both issues – depression and sexual addiction.
About Rochna:
Rochna Hazra is trained in Marriage and Family Therapy at Virginia Tech. She includes the emotional, psychological, spiritual and family aspects of a person in her work. Rochna has been trained by Dr. Pat Carnes, a pioneer in the field of Sex Addiction.
Rochna is also a Certified Advanced Relapse Prevention Specialist and trained in Sex Addiction and Mindfulness-based Therapy and Relapse Prevention.
Originally from India, she combines the Eastern traditions of mindfulness, non-judgment and a holistic approach to healing with the Western approach of realism and solution-focused action.
Click here to learn more about Sex Addiction treatment and my practice in Leesburg, Virginia
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